Monday, May 10, 2010

I'm a real big fan of yours.

Dang nevershoutnever!, he gets stuck in my head too easily.
but anyways:

Today at school was very lame. Literally none of my friends were at school besides Jessica, Ryan and Jimmy. I mean, I have other friends, but none that I actually hang out with. So, lunch was very boring today.

And hey, what's up with the weather? It's annoying. First it's all sunny, but then it gets cold. I don't understand. It's almost summer. It needs to be warm out.
Ugh, I hate the wind.

Haha, after this song is over I am going to (attempt) to rap along with Lil Wayne. This will be what I call an 'Epic Fail'.

So, I guess that's all I have to say right now. Not much to talk about. Well, peace out I guess. (: <3

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