Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day. :D

So, last night i went to my friend Tyler's house for his birthday party. That was a lot of fun. Haha, first we broke his bed by jumping on it too much. And then we went in his hot tub, which i didn't (well, maybe) break. So we were just sitting there in his hot tub, yelling at each other and laughing. Surprisingly, it didn't get that cold. And then after that we went out and had a bonfire, which was awesome. But me and my friend Jessica had to leave at midnight, so that was sort of a bummer. But, it was fun while it lasted. (:

And so, Happy Mother's Day! I wanted to say how much I love my mom. She's one of my best friends, and she's absolutely amazing. :D I couldn't live without her. And I hope everyone else is enjoying their Mother's Day, spending time with their mommies. (:

Well, im off to find something to eat and i'll possibly read some Harry Potter like the nerd I am. <3

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